Managing Hazardous Waste in Our County

View the Household Hazardous Waste Summary Flyer here.

Residents and businesses within Calaveras and Alpine County can dispose of hazardous waste at the Permanent Hazardous Waste Collection Facility at the Rock Creek Solid Waste Facility, open daily from 8:00 am to 4:15 pm.

Limited hazardous waste items can also be taken to the following sites. Please check each site to verify what is accepted:

SMALL QUANTITY, HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATING BUSINESSES: Complete the Hazardous Waste Disposal for Businesses form. The form needs to be submitted, approved, and the delivery scheduled before a business can dispose of hazardous waste at the County hazardous waste collection facility. Please ensure your appointment has been scheduled before delivery. Call IWM at (209) 754-6403 for an email address to submit the completed form.   


  • In the home - Cleaners, over-the-counter medications, aerosol sprays, batteries, fluorescent bulbs, nail polish, makeup, syringes, mercury thermometers, mercury thermostats, and adhesives.   
  • In the garage - Antifreeze, Used Oil (up to 20 gallons), filters, auto batteries, car cleaners, fuels, brake fluid, hydraulic oils, paints, stains, paint thinners, solvents & glues. 
  • In the yard - Pesticides, herbicides, propane tanks (no larger than 25-gallon tanks), fertilizers, pool & spa chemicals. 

DEFINITIONS: Hazardous wastes pose substantial or potential threats to public health or the environment. In the United States, the treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste is regulated under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Hazardous wastes are defined under RCRA in 40 CFR 261, where they are divided into two major categories: characteristic wastes and listed wastes. Listed hazardous wastes are materials specifically listed by regulatory authorities as hazardous waste, which are from non-specific sources, specific sources, or discarded chemical products.

Characteristic hazardous wastes are materials that are known or tested to exhibit one or more of the following four hazardous traits:

  • Reactive: Unstable, capable of exploding spontaneously
  • Toxic: Poisonous, toxic metals like cadmium, chromium, lead, copper, barium, nickel, and zinc.
  • Corrosive: Eats or wears away metals and other materials.
  • Ignitable: Catches fire under certain conditions.

TRANSPORTATION LIMITS: California State Transportation Laws limit the transportation of hazardous waste for each vehicle to a maximum of 15 gallons of liquid (in no larger than 5-gallon containers) or 125 pounds of solid material. Never mix chemicals. Place in sealed containers and pack to prevent spills. The Rock Creek facility will only accept materials up to these limits. 


Home-Generated Sharps Disposal Fact Sheet


Paint Care Large Volume Pickup Request

If you need assistance in determining if your waste is hazardous, please contact the
Calaveras County Environmental Management Agency at (209) 754-6399 or visit their website.


In California, disposal of hazardous waste into the trash, a municipal landfill, down the drain, or at any other unauthorized point is illegal. The illegal disposal of hazardous waste is a crime and any party who illegally disposes of a hazardous waste may be subject to fines up to $25,000 (per day, per incident) and/or be subject to imprisonment (Health & Safety Code, §§ 25189-25196)