Wood & Yard Waste

County residents and property owners have several options for the disposal of their clean wood and yard waste:

1. Curbside Collection Services - Property owners may pay permitted haulers to collect yard waste at their "curbside." For more information, see Curbside Services.

2. Backyard Composting - For information and tips about composting, visit the UCCE Master Gardeners of Calaveras County website.

3. Burning - Check with the California Department of Forestry (CDF) and the
Calaveras County Air Pollution Control District regarding any burning restrictions, permits, and hours.

4. Self-Haul - Property owners may haul wood and yard waste to one of the collection sites listed below.

Rock Creek Solid Waste Facility (Milton, CA)

Copperopolis Transfer Station (Limit of 2 cubic yards of yard waste/day)

Red Hill Yard Waste & Annex (Limit of 4 cubic yards of yard waste/day)

Wilseyville Transfer Station (Limit of 4 cubic yards of yard waste/day)


  • Wood and Yard Waste - $4.00/Cubic Yard
  • Stumps - $8.00/Cubic Yard (must be less than 24 inches in diameter)
  • Treated Wood - $8.00/Cubic Yard (Only accepted at the Rock Creek Landfill)
  • Logs/rounds must be less than 3 ft in diameter and/or less than 4 ft in length
  • Palm Fronds and Oleanders are only accepted at the Rock Creek Landfill

Download a Map of our Facilities here